Easy Chocolate Mousse
photo by May I Have That Rec

- Ready In:
- 30mins
- Ingredients:
- 5
- Serves:
- 8 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips (or bits, or mini chips, etc)
- 4 tablespoons hot water
- 4 eggs, beaten (I use the pasteurized ones since the eggs won't be cooked)
- 2 tablespoons Grand Marnier (to taste)
- 1 pint whipping cream, whipped very stiff with no sugar added
- Melt chocolate with hot water. To melt completely, it may be necessary to place the bowl in a pan of hot water.
- Cool and then add beaten eggs.
- Add Grand Marnier.
- Carefully fold in whipped cream.
- Chill and serve.
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Yum! This is light, fluffy, and delicious! Based on other reviewers comments about it being too liquid, I left out the water altogether. I also melted the chips in the microwave, stirring every 20 seconds or so until they were completely melted. I also substituted Bailey's Irish Cream for the Grand Marinier, we like both, but enjoy Bailey's more in mousse. This will definitely be made again. Made for ZWT6.
This is my new throw-it-together-and-wow-them dessert. It's sensational. So delicious and so easy-to-make. My Miss Picky, who is not a fussy eater but is a very harsh rater of recipes, says this is perfect. Assessments don't get any better than that. Made exactly as written, using a high quality dark chocolate. I thought your grandmother might never have heard of chocolate chips.
This is a lighter thatn traditional mousse but really tasty and as the title says this EASY!!!Less then 5 minutes to prepare, you can't go wrong with that. I used bittersweet chocolate since my whipped cream already had sugar in it and the sweetness level was fine. I subbed Chambord for the Grand Marnier, since I don't like choc w/ orange. The Chambord was perfect with it, though I found the flavor intensified after chilling, so be cautious about adding extra liquor if it tastes light at first. Reviewed for ZWT3 Zingo
This is a chocolate lover's dream dessert. I've always wanted to make chocolate mousse, but I didn't know how easy it is until now. I melted the chocolate chips in the microwave and they melted fine. The whipped cream was delicious on top, along with the fresh raspberries I used. I was in heaven. This will be an elegant and simple dessert to serve for company. I know it will get rave reviews.
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