Unleavened Bread for Passover

"This is the recipe we use for observing Passover at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church. You can use syrup or sugar instead of the honey, but I like the honey. I'd also make this for the kids and I to eat as a snack."
photo by Jonathan Melendez photo by Jonathan Melendez
photo by Jonathan Melendez
photo by Banriona photo by Banriona
photo by Jonathan Melendez photo by Jonathan Melendez
photo by Jonathan Melendez photo by Jonathan Melendez
Ready In:




  • Roll out to 1/8 inch thick.
  • Place on greased cookie sheet.
  • Score into about 1 inch squares.
  • Cut into 4 x 5 rectangles.
  • Bake at 400 degrees about 15 minutes.
  • In the first minutes of baking, prick bubbles that may form.

Questions & Replies

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  1. I hate to be a wet blanket, but Leviticus 2:11 says not to use honey in offerings to the Lord. I know you can cut it up and justify why it matters or does not. The Feasts were serious to God and He put it on His caledar to show up. Thanks for the recipes. Love
  2. This was my first time making any sort of bread and it it turned out great and is very tasty. Sweet and a little chewy :) Thanks for the recipe.
  3. Loved this recipe. (I used non-GMO organic certified sugar.) If you live alone you can make half a recipe easily. Additionally; I altered it by: roasting in a little excellent olive oil or virgin coconut oil the following -- altogether for a total of 1 cup of these; roasted quinoa and sesame seeds and caraway or cardamon (seed or powder). Roast it for about 5 min. over high heat and dump into dry ingredients. Also, add more salt, or celery salt. Bake it on a DARK PAN that is buttered or coconut oil on it. Turn the wafers at least once when baking to brown on both sides. But whatever you do -- ADD A TON OF GROUND GARLIC or roll it is a bowl of it and dried parsley when it comes out of the oven. (You can also add organic sugar or cinnamon instead of the garlic.) Additionally, you can add some unsalted butter into the hot wafers as you toss them in the garlic or sprinkle them generously. YUM! Very satisfying!
  4. Too many people have no idea about this one extremely important fact in Ezekiel 36:27.
  5. I think this is a great recipe! It's quick, easy and always comes out great. And it makes alot. This is the recipe I use when I make unleavened bread for our churches communion. Thanks!



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